Benefits of Water During Exercise The list of benefits of drinking water during exercise is endless and they are of...
Blog post
If you take a quick look around a board room, an event, or bustling city streets, you’ll realize that many consumer...
Many of us can agree that travel is such an amazing and enriching experience. When we get caught up in the breathta...
We live in a fast-paced world and sometimes life gets in the way. It’s understandable if you’re so focused on your ...
Have you ever enjoyed a day at the beach that left you parched only to find that the water you brought along with y...
From ending up in landfills to polluting our beautiful oceans, plastic harms the environment in more ways than we c...
If you’re the type of person whose alarm goes off while it’s still dark out to make it to the gym or for a jog whil...
If you’ve ever heard your friends complaining about their slow metabolism being the result of their inability to lo...
Put simply, dehydration is often caused by not drinking enough water, or when your body loses more fluid than it ab...
Did you know your liver is the largest solid organ in your body and that it is responsible for more than 500 functi...
Nothing says “I love you” or “I appreciate you” like a personalized gift. If you’re wondering whether you should ju...
After some good old summer fun at the beach or a day under the sun while on an adventure, it’s difficult to get the...
Tired of all those useless fad diets? We understand!Oftentimes, diet culture is a lie and the secret recipes and we...
Water makes up about 60 - 70% of our bodies, so it should come as no surprise how important it is for us to constan...
Most people don’t actually enjoy plastic pollution or intentionally harming the environment, even if they unconscio...
Grabbing a plastic water bottle when you’re rushing your kid off to school may seem practical, but it actually does...
With so many people around the world becoming more eco-friendly and giving up plastic in general, plastic bottles a...
Ginger has many benefits aside from cleansing your palate between a piece of sashimi and a California Roll. It’s us...
Those of us who like to exercise are always looking for ways to optimize our workouts. Getting enough sleep time an...
Talk to us about your journey to launching Loch?I was born in Tehran and moved to Scotland when I was nine months o...